Jobs You Can Get With an Anthropology Degree


Anthropologists similar to ask big questions. "Why did this culture collapse?" "How do linguistic communication barriers affect the flow of information?" or fifty-fifty "What makes us human?" Anthropologists accept inquiring minds, big-pic thinking, attention to detail, and solid research skills. Through patient enquiry and deep analysis, anthropologists develop insights into topics like how past cultures functioned, how humanity has changed over fourth dimension, or how languages, religions, and governments have evolved over time. Only anthropology is besides concerned with applying this noesis in club to solve real-world problems, like how to increment vaccination rates among diverse populations or decrease the incidence of hate speech.

If you are interested in the civilizations, culture, and society of humankind, you may be a good fit for a degree in anthropology. That will naturally lead you to some big questions of your ain, similar "What's the difference between a caste in archeology and a degree in anthropology?" "Tin I earn an anthropology degree Online?" and "What can I do with an anthropology caste?"


If y'all're wondering about the anthropology field, the path to a degree in anthropology, and what to practise once you have one, our guide to What Can I Exercise with an Anthropology Degree? can provide some clarity. Read on to acquire about this truly fascinating discipline and whether an anthropology degree might be a good fit for yous.

Leap To:

  • What is Anthropology?
  • What Exercise Anthropologists Written report?
  • What is the Divergence Betwixt Anthropology and Forensic Anthropology?
  • What is Anthropology?
  • What Can I exercise with a Bachelor's in Anthropology?
  • What Tin can I practise with a Master's in Anthropology?
  • What Tin can I do with a PhD in Anthropology?
  • Can I Earn a Degree in Anthropology Online?
  • Where Can I Work with a Degree in Anthropology?
  • Is an Anthropology Caste Right for Me?

What is Anthropology?

Anthropology can be defined as the report of humans, including human behavior and human being societies in both the past and present. Co-ordinate to the American Anthropological Association, anthropology incorporates knowledge and practices from the biological and social sciences, forth with the humanities and physical sciences. Anthropology probably strikes about people as a pure science if there always was one, with its focus on gathering ancient texts, performing surveys, and analyzing research. But an important business organization in anthropology is applying technical knowledge towards solving nowadays-twenty-four hour period human issues.


1 of the greatest distinctions of anthropology as a field is its interdisciplinary nature. Alfred Fifty. Kroeber called this discipline "the most humanistic of the sciences and the most scientific of the humanities." In an anthropology degree program, you'll larn everything from the difficult scientific discipline backside carbon dating, to humanities topics like how language reflects a society's attitudes virtually gender.

What Do Anthropologists Study?

Anthropology differs across the globe based on each country'southward academic traditions. In the US, the discipline breaks downwardly into iv main areas: archaeology, sociocultural anthropology, biological/concrete anthropology, and linguistic anthropology. Needless to say, there'southward plenty of overlap between each of these fields, and they all share the same approach to inquiry, including hypothesis-testing and data-gathering.



In the Us and Canada, Archeology is considered a sub0-discipline inside anthropology. It'south worth noting, however, that in Europe and elsewhere, it'south grouped under History, or considered an entirely separate discipline. Archeology is the investigation of human cultures through concrete testify, such as ancient structures and objects. These may include ancient temples, tools, pottery, or burial sites. They also gather samples of the environment, such as soil samples and preserved plants to sympathise the setting in which people lived. Archeologists map, excavate, examine, and analyze concrete show to larn most the lives of people from the ancient or almost past, and compare them with the lives of people today.

Biological Anthropology

Also called "Physical Anthropology," Biological Anthropology examines how human bodies reveal information almost their lives, habits, and evolution through the report of homo bodies (living and dead) and those of other primates. Biological anthropologists aim to understand how humans have adapted to a range of environments, the roots of affliction, and how humans evolved from apes and earlier relatives. They study both living man and animate being bodies, cadavers, and fossils to empathize how internal and external biological science shapes individual lives and cultures equally a whole.

Cultural Anthropology

This is peradventure the most easily recognizable co-operative of anthropology- the one that laypeople moving picture when they hear the term "anthropologist." Also called "Sociocultural Anthropology," this branch examines how people in different locations alive and how they understand the world. Cultural anthropology requires taking in a wide range of perspectives, often by interviewing many individuals or living within a society. Cultural anthropologists aim to understand a society'south laws, religion, values, lifestyles, and social organization.

Linguistic Anthropology

Linguistic anthropology is the written report of how people throughout the world communicate. Beyond the study of different languages themselves, linguistic anthropology studies how languages are linked to the world and how people chronicle to one another through both verbal and written language. Languages change over time and vary widely betwixt settings, such as urban and rural dialects. Language has an bear upon on our identities, the ways we share pregnant, and power dynamics, and all these issues fall under linguistic anthropology.

What is the Difference Between Anthropology and Forensic Anthropology?

If you're exploring what you can do with a degree in anthropology, you've probably come across the term "forensic anthropology." In fact, there are quite a few chore openings for this specialized field, and it frequently pops up on task listing sites. With such similar titles, yous may exist wondering what is the deviation betwixt anthropology and forensic anthropology.

Forensic anthropology is a specialization inside physical anthropology. As noted above, physical anthropologists study homo remains to understand how people in the past lived. Physical anthropology answers questions like "how closely were these two populations related?" "How did the switch to agriculture touch diet?" and "How did the spread of diseases bear on people in a historical catamenia?"

Forensic anthropology asks physiologically-based questions nigh modern human being remains, mostly related to criminal investigations. The most obvious, of form, is "How and when did this human body die?" just other related questions thing as well, such as "Has this body been moved after decease?" "How old did this person alive to be?" and even "Did this person experience traumatic injuries at other periods in their life?" Past applying their scientific knowledge to the study of human remains, forensic anthropologists assistance criminal investigators understand physical evidence and solve crimes. As such, this co-operative of anthropology is an excellent example of a fashion that anthropologists tin use their cognition to aid solve real-world human bug.

What Classes Volition I take for a Degree in Anthropology?

To develop an understanding of different cultures and societies, you'll need to have a foundation in the the basics of math and the hard sciences. That means you lot'll likely be assigned requirements in classes like:

  • Statistics
  • Calculus
  • Applied Economics
  • Biological science
  • Geology

In addition to math and science, you'll likely need to take courses in history, politics, psychology and language, in order to have a broader context for understanding topics in anthropology. Your classes in anthropology itself may include titles like:

  • Ethnicity and Identity
  • Gender Experiences
  • Medical Anthropology and Global Health
  • Beyond Race: Human Biological Diversity
  • Peoples and Cultures of Africa
  • Society and Ability in the Middle Eastward
  • Urban Anthropology
  • Natural Resources and Public Policy
  • Culture and Natural Resources Direction
  • Zooarchaeology
  • Cloth Civilization Studies in Archaeology
  • Anthropology of Cultural Heritage
  • Anthropology, State of war & Security
  • Environmental Conservation and Indigenous Peoples
  • Field Methods in Archaeology

What Can I exercise with a Available's in Anthropology?

A bachelor'south in anthropology is typically offered as either a BA (available of arts) or a BS (bachelor of scientific discipline), and some schools offer both degrees. Where 2 caste types are offered, the difference between the two is typically a thing of focus. A bachelor of arts degree program is unremarkably more broad and focused on the humanities, while the available of science degree is more focused on the technical and scientific side. A BS is a better fit if you're interested in Physical Anthropology, while a BA is a improve fit if your interest lies in Linguistic Anthropology.


It generally takes 4 years to earn a bachelor's caste on a full-time basis, and you'll demand to complete well-nigh 40 classes, totaling 120 semester 60 minutes credits. Of these, many classes, especially in your first year, will be general education courses, such as math, science, literature, and languages. The purpose of full general teaching classes is to ensure that bachelor'due south level graduates take a broad general knowledge about the world, and to provide a context for their more than specialized understanding of their major. Along with your anthropology major, you may wish to pursue a modest, such as religion, history, or a foreign linguistic communication.

A bachelor'southward in anthropology can stand on its own, merely if you're interested in working every bit an anthropologist, it is best thought of as a stride on a path towards a master's degree or PhD in anthropology. That'south because jobs inside the formal academic field of anthropology ordinarily require a principal's degree or higher. That'due south non to say, however, that yous tin can't go a bully job with a available's in anthropology. With a bachelor's in anthropology, you'll exist qualified for jobs that make utilize of your skills like global awareness, advice, organization, collaboration, cultural literacy, writing, and research. The fields of education and administration are an first-class fit for this educational background. Examples of job titles with a bachelor's in anthropology include:

  • Diversity officer
  • Strange language instructor
  • Media planner
  • Homo resources representative
  • Nonprofit ambassador
  • Public wellness specialist
  • International activist
  • Market researcher

If you make up one's mind to pursue a main'due south degree, you cull to earn a master's in anthropology and expect for jobs as an anthropologist. But many people with a bachelor'due south in anthropology continue to earn a master'southward in another field, like constabulary, social work, psychology, theology, or pedagogy. Because a bachelor's degree in anthropology provides students with a deep agreement of man culture, physiology, history, and behavior, information technology provides an excellent basis for agreement the nuances of fields related to these topics. Examples of master's-level jobs in related fields include:

  • Chaplain
  • Equality, variety and inclusion officeholder
  • University professor
  • Museum curator
  • Politician
  • Public relations officer
  • Social worker
  • Psychologist
  • UX researcher
  • Lawyer
  • Schoolhouse main

What Can I exercise with a Master's in Anthropology?

To earn a master'due south in anthropology, you'll need to consummate two years' coursework that's specific to the field of anthropology, with no general education requirements. If y'all choose to have part-time classes, your time until graduation will be longer, while an Accelerated Master's Degree Program tin allow you to finish in as little every bit 18 months. Yous'll consummate a research-based thesis as part of your anthropology primary'due south curriculum, every bit well equally a field-based internship or practicum. You'll likewise probable be able to specialize past choosing a concentration, such every bit sociocultural anthropology or archaeological anthropology.


With a master'due south in anthropology, you lot'll be qualified for work every bit an anthropologist. Yous'll be qualified to perform field-based research, work in museums, concrete anthropology labs, or teach as an acquaintance professor. You lot'll likely travel to historical sites or dissimilar societies to assemble evidence, examining artifacts, conducting interviews, and testing samples. You'll draft reports, read peer-reviewed journals, and clarify information. As an anthropologist, you'll also likely work with members of a research team to publish your research findings, and may contribute to a national professional person organization, such every bit the American Anthropological Association. It's important to notation, however, that professional person opportunities in the field of anthropology with a master's will be quite limited in comparison with opportunities for those with a PhD in anthropology. If you decide to earn a master'southward in anthropology but to move exterior the field, y'all'll also be qualified for higher-level employment in the private or public sector as a curator, administrator, or educator.

What Tin can I do with a PhD in Anthropology?

To earn a PhD, y'all'll need to have 5-9 years to behave completely new inquiry inside a very specific surface area of anthropology, and so write, defend and publish your dissertation. You lot'll accept literally "written the book" about your niche area of research, and will graduate equally a true expert. In social club to complete this long-term undertaking, you lot'll work closely with a thesis advisor, and you may piece of work as a educatee instructor or teaching boyfriend during your time as a PhD educatee.

With a PhD in anthropology, y'all'll concord the highest caste available in the field, a and then-called "last degree." An anthropology PhD will qualify your for a position equally a tenure-rails professor at a college or university. You'll be able to teach, research, and publish in your field of expertise, and will also be able to consult. Of course, positions equally a tenure-track professor are highly competitive, equally the turnover for these positions is very low, and universities simply take a few anthropologists employed at whatever given time. That ways you may have to look some time for a tenure-runway professor position to open up upward, and so compete with other PhD level job candidates. In the meantime, you tin find work with a PhD in anthropology as an adjunct professor or research assistant, or with a private company.

Can I Earn a Degree in Anthropology Online?

Although online anthropology degrees are adequately new, the number of schools which offering a caste in anthropology online is growing steadily. More students than e'er are looking to earn a degree on a part-fourth dimension basis, while keeping up with piece of work or family obligations. Online classes allow students to salve time by fugitive a commute, and to piece of work effectually their existing schedules by completing coursework in evenings, on weekends, on their lunch break, or whenever they accept free fourth dimension. Many students also opt for an online anthropology degree because at that place just isn't a school with a strong anthropology section in their surface area, or no school that specializes in their area of involvement.


Online students learn through a combination of synchronous (scheduled) and asynchronous (on-demand) content, which may include:

  • Videos
  • Readings and case studies
  • Message lath discussions
  • Writing
  • Research
  • Final exams
  • Group projects
  • Virtual labs

Where Can I Work with a Degree in Anthropology?


With an anthropology degree, you can find yourself working in settings like a university, museum, historical site, government office, cultural center, or nonprofit. If you lot like the idea of working in a variety of settings, this may be a swell career for you. Many anthropologists divide their time between different work tasks and work sites. One day, they might analyze the results of a population survey, another day they might examine historical documents, and on another twenty-four hours they might document ancient artifacts in the field.

Of grade, you may cull to move into a field related to anthropology rather than field piece of work. This can mean A recent article in Business concern Insider, titled "Hither'south Why Companies Are Desperate To Hire Anthropologists," explains that major private companies like Google, Intel, Adidas, and Samsung are hiring or contracting with anthropologists to better sympathize consumer behavior. That ways you may find yourself working in the corporate office of a large private business.

Is an Anthropology Degree Right for Me?


Anthropology is an unusual subject, in that it represents a fairly equal balance of difficult science and the humanities. And in order to succeed every bit an anthropologist, you'll need to have a adequately unique combination of traits. These include:

  • patience
  • eye for detail
  • global awareness
  • open up-mindedness
  • research focus
  • analysis
  • critical thinking
  • writing
  • ethics
  • trouble solving
  • curiosity

In improver to these personal traits, your professional person priorities thing in deciding whether a caste in anthropology is a proficient fit for yous. If your goal is to pursue work as an anthropologist, you'll need to have a pretty solid commitment towards pursuing an advanced degree, since a master'due south in anthropology or a PhD is generally required for a career in enquiry and academia. If committing to the investment of time and energy required for a graduate caste doesn't brand sense for you, this caste may non exist the best pick.

An anthropology degree may also not exist the best option if you're someone who wants certainty and clarity in their career path. A job as an anthropology instructor can be hard to become, given the limited number of openings, and you'll demand to be willing to take on other positions (such equally adjunct professor or strange linguistic communication instructor) should the need ascend. Of class, not everyone with an anthropology degree even wants to piece of work in academia. Many cull to utilise their anthropology background as the basis for agreement man behavior and club in a related career, such equally city planning, educational activity, or librarianship. If you are interested in gaining a degree on the way to a career in a related field, you'll need to be comfortable with using your degree flexibly. You'll also demand to be willing to assistance potential employers understand how your anthropology skills (such as inquiry, collaboration, and global awareness) will make you a stiff candidate for a given non-anthropology position.

Further Reading:

  • What Degree Exercise I Demand for Forensic Anthropology?
  • Pinnacle 10 Highest Paying Social Scientific discipline Careers
  • What is the Benefit of a Degree in Forensic Anthropology vs Forensic Pathology?
  • What degree do I demand to become an Archaeologist?
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  • twenty Best Degree Programs for Undergraduates
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  • Elevation fifty Affordable Online MBA Caste Programs for 2019
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  • 50 Best Online Degrees for 2019


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